Choosing a Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Choosing a motorcycle accident attorney is one of the biggest decisions you will make regarding your injury claim. Find out what you should know by watching this video by our Las Vegas motorcycle accident lawyer.

Read Our Motorcycle Accident Guide

People want to know who or what type of lawyer they should get to handle their injury claim. You have to have somebody who has skill and experience in dealing with motorcycle crash claims. These are not the kind of cases that you can go and get your divorce lawyer who handled your divorce, or the guy who does your taxes, or somebody who put your will together, or your neighbor down the road who happens to be some type of corporate lawyer, etc. You can’t go to somebody that you know that works for an insurance company and they do insurance defense claims. You will be in trouble if you don’t have a board certified personal injury specialist who is a trial lawyer and who deals on a regular basis with motorcycle accident claims. These cases are very complicated.

The insurance adjusters and the insurance lawyers who defend these claims know what they’re doing, and they’re whole goal is to make sure that they pay as little as possible. You can’t get a lawyer who’s just dabbling in these types of claims. In fact, you can’t get a lawyer who just claims that they’re a motorcycle lawyer because they have a motorcycle or get their picture on a billboard taken on a motorcycle. You have to have a trial lawyer who knows how to prepare your case. You’re not going to get fully compensated until the insurance company knows that your lawyer has built your case and they’re ready, willing and able to take your case to trial if you have to go to trial. They will never step up to the plate and fully compensate you until they know that. The only way you’re going to get there is with a real trial lawyer.

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